Bunny's first trip via airplane. On the third day of August, Isaac boarded a plane for the very first time. It was fairly nerve-wracking for his mother, but thankfully, Isaac slept most of the journey. At rdu, he greeted his grandfather with a t-shirt with an I-love-my-grandpa slogan above a sketch of Isaac's eyes and former signature spiky coiffure.
Make no mistake about it. This fella always arrives in style. It may not be today's style. But he should atleast be permitted the chance to sport purple drawers and not be criticized for it. Should purple be considered a shade of blue or pink? Note to the public: Stop assuming that he is a she, and then attempting to back up the assumption by saying, "He's just so beautiful." As if boys are incapable of being beautiful...

The discovery of Virgil. If it weren't for Grandma, the trip probably would've never taken place. So special props are due to you, Grandma. And of course, we cannot forget the omniadoring Virgil (aka: Virgile to David). This kitten literally found us as we were taking a walk a mile up the road from Grandma's. Unlike baby-head, he is fearless of the unknown. Which is good in some ways, but a little scary in others, since he's mainly an outside cat.
Making the scene at the driveway parade. Where else other than Grandpa's could a boy feel like he's riding through on a float as the center attraction for an audience of nearby deer?
Oh Virgil....you are one lucky beauty boy.....kisses....
Thanks for picking me up......
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