In the throes of one very fuzzy turtle mouth. Who knew turtles ate little boys? Special thanks to Patrick's co-worker, Megan for sharing this concept with us. Just too clever not to run off with it.
The canines are in. And then, all of a sudden, it seemed he shed his woes. For a moment in time, he lost himself in laughter. And he wasn't faking it. It was the end of another bout of the ever-so elusive teethery. We could all resume our happy-go-lucky lives. Prelude to a bath. Post-dinner (vegetable soup), there was nothing better to do than be outrageously adorable. What else is there to do on a Friday night?
Fall fashion forward. Why the sock hands and sock feet? Do you have to ask? Since Isaac and mittens just don't see eye-to-eye, Isaac gets the royal sock treatment. Sure, he may resemble a small goalie, but sometimes you just gotta choose function over form. And sock hands reduce hair-pulling incidents with his mother.
Bunny-Boy goes international. Since we all know how difficult it can be for Isaac to stay put in one location for too long, we thought it would be a good idea for him to enjoy the confines of a 5 hour plane ride. He had no idea where we were taking him. He was pretty enthused about the possibility of leaving the country.Aruba welcomes isaac's lower cleavage with a smile. Finally, a country that embraces this boy's decision to go without a drawstring waisted trunk.Who other than cousin Ava could manage to laugh with sand in her eyes? She's such a trooper. Day-trippers. Tired, hot, and hungry: but we must pose for photographs by the natural bridge (that apparently was not even there anymore). Oh, the things poor bunny-boy must endure!Capturing the last evening. An amazing sunset & loving families: what more could anyone ask for? Thank you so much for sharing one of your favorite destinations with us, Grandma & Grandpa Ragsdale. These are memories we'll cherish always.