Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The person standing behind you doesn't seem to have any feet either.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Always on a quest for the perfect play area. We thought we'd stumbled upon it on a recent trip to Chattanooga. But then, we discovered clusters of teeny-tiny parasitic-looking worms in puddles beneath the swingset.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Sometimes a temporarily unattended mixer can be an invitation for a special guest baker in the kitchen. While whisking her dry ingredients together, Iris decided to taste-test them. She learned that flour, baking powder, and salt combined make one nasty flavor combination. So it only made sense for her to spit it back out into the bowl from whence it came. No longer dry, and no longer a secret ingredient. The Iris spit-cake turned out to be quite tasty.
A couple of lovies sharing a few laughs and frames. It's hard not to stop and stare, as their relationship and their story develops.
Gradually, she transformed. Her hair began to fall out, and then it grew back. She started to squawk like a bird. And that's when we realized that June was turning into an ostrich.
I hate to brag. But seriously, have you seen this little baby girl?

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A hard evening's work. Nobody said it would be easy carrying satchels of sweets down the leafy streets.