Friday, June 22, 2012

One of those rare moments in life where there is soft-serve and a shoulder to lean on... Happiness all around.
For all the flamingos out there that do not wish to be bopped in the head by an Iris with an arsenal of popcorn, stand back.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Could there be a warmer brighter light than the one she gives off?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Patrick's business trip to San Diego; my sad excuse to ditch my responsibilities as stay-at-home-mom, throw caution to the wind, give my treadmill a rest and actually run outside around a body of water, catch up on what I swore I'd never watch (a show aptly titled Get Out on the HDNET) while lunching on pistachios and a beer at 12 pacific time, of course. Sorry kids, we did hang out with a fleet of seals and a bejeweled gator. Yes, at one point, your mom and dad did some strange adventuresome things.