Friday, August 12, 2011

Ahh, Paris. Where everywhere you turn, a fashion shoot is waiting to happen, typically involving a couple of star-crossed country-bumpkin tourists.Introducing the fresh new well-groomed face of L'Oreal Paris.
Next up, what the mouse in the back (now under the nearby table) concocted for dessert. It's no wonder they made a movie about him. The mouse can cook. And chocolate mousse exceeds my childhood expectations.
A few scenes from last weekend. For our tenth anniversary, we took a red-eye to Paris. And for once in quite some time we were a couple of kids with no curfews, no censors. We were no longer disciplinarians. We ate whatever and whenever. We got dressed up for no reason whatsoever. We flirted and fumbled our way through the city of lights. We people-watched with very little distraction. It was a little like revisiting youth. Only we sortof couldn't wait to return to our children. Too much freedom, I guess. Man, what were we thinking?!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Seems like it was only yesterday. And now here we are, two years down the road.
Happy birthday, Juni! You are everything to us.