Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The awful thing about wintertime is that Iris suffers the occasional toe-time withdrawal. Sometimes she even forgets she has feet! So needless to say, it's serious business for this baby when the socks finally do come off.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sometimes I like to take a break from all this break-dancing in order to floss my teeth with one of your hairs.Or this twist tie that I plucked from the drain will do just fine.

Friday, January 18, 2008

A fine line between entertainment and concern... A pretty normal response to Isaac's antics.

One of life's most pressing issues... The froggy or the crinkly book?
Oh, the humility. The embarrassment sets in. Sadly, I get more of a thrill out of the Jumping-J song on Sesame Street than you do. As I come crashing into the living room with outlandish dance moves, you spring off the sofa, begging and pleading for me to refrain. "No, Mommy," you say, in the most scolding of tones. Guess I should've learned by now that my range is pretty limited outside the Magnetic Fields for karaoke.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Under attack! By 5:30 this morning, Isaac was successful in his plan to overthrow his parents out of the bed. He commanded his sister to take Daddy's side, while he chose to occupy Mommy's pillow.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

So you thought it was pretty funny when you got us kicked out of the public library on Monday. It sent mommy iming daddy in a state of fury. Someday maybe we'll actually get the concept of an inside-voice.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

On the morning of New Year's Eve, there was sortof a frantic energy about the house. Still unpacking from our holiday travels and trying to put together a soup to take over to Jen's... I have to pause to admire Isaac over in the corner of the kitchen, making conversation with his sister. "I see you, I-russ!"