Shall we convene by the pool, old friend? Iris is beginning to select certain causes she feels strongly enough to stand up for. One of them just happens to involve water activities.
I've been had. It was all a big game to you. Flaunting that deep purple sippy cup around. And just when I think I've figured out how this thing works, only a few droplets come out!
Going on ridiculously small amounts of sleep, there you are in the place you swore off the night before. Just crib-clicking the afternoon away. It's almost as though you are anticipating a dinner-date with a dapper young fellow in a safari suit. "Oh, when will Prince Chase ever arrive?"
Famous last words. This boy's just asking to get sprayed. Just an innocent bystander, she too found herself in the line of mist. Poor thing. She will never be able to look at another garden hose without feeling a sense of betrayal. Maybe someday her big brother will share a few tips on how to get past these hose hangups.
Raising the bar. Just as soon as we lowered your bed and raised your surroundings, this is the way we find you. Perfectly poised, holding on for dear life. A desperate plea for attention. Do you realize what a wondrous milestone it is to see you standing there? Oh, of course you do. If only we could all be so giddy upon waking up from an afternoon nap.
While Iris taps into her hidden crawling skills... Isaac ponders his own supernatural strengths , while engrossed in a novel about flight. This golden book was a real nail-biter. It brought on a powerful urge for him to grab a metal spatula and give an instructional video in his very own space-man dialect. See if you can make out what he is saying.